The story so far...


Double 0 heaven

Today mummy and cam went to see their first ever Bond film (yes, really, mummy has never seen James Bond). We were joined by fin and grace and their mummy's and grace's daddy. Cam was on his best behaviour and seemed to enjoy watching the car chases and was happily sleeping for the rest of the film. Mummy enjoyed it too and will no longer avoid it when it is on tv.
We continued our weaning adventure today and carrot was on the menu again and after a hesitant start yesterday, he wolfed it down today.
We visited the pet shop as well today as mummy and daddy think it would be nice for cam to have a furry friend so we were doing a bit of research. However cam was much more interested in the brightly coloured fish swimming in their tanks. The way he is going with his swimming, mummy reckons he wanted to dive in and join them!

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