The story so far...


The start of a new adventure

Today was a big (but rather scary) day in our house. Little cam was going to try big boy food for the first time. It has been a constant battle for the past 4 and a half months to keep cam's appetite at bay and the fight came to a head this week. Even after increasing his bottles to 8oz (240mls) 5 times a day, our greedy son was still screaming for more!
Mummy had had enough and last night steamed and puréed everything in the vegetable drawer of the fridge.
The candidate selected for today's trial was carrot and a slow and hesitant cam managed about a teaspoon before trying to put his hand in the bowl became a much more interesting game. But Rome wasn't built in a day and any food at this point is a step in the right direction. Let the games begin!

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