From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

Birthday lunch with the birthday girl.... Last Exit today for GK's actual birthday. An amazing place!  I understand it comes alive at night...well, in the coolest time of the day. At lunchtime today it was beautifully quiet and we all enjoyed sitting in the shade. Probably still recovering from last night's party!  Notice we are all wearing our Grafitti Wall t-shirts; the new business venture that GK and G are working so hard at getting off the ground. 

Then we headed to watch feeding time for the flamingos. Another amazing experience! We sat in the hide for over an hour, watching these birds preen, fly, chatter...and admiring their incredibly pink legs! My extra shows them crowding round the very popular man with the food. That was some experience to watch!

In the evening we had a REALLY good evening over an Indian meal before returning to our hotel room for a glass of sparkling wine. The celebrations continue.... and another cake arrived! Please follow the link given earlier in my journal and read GK's account of the day! 

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