Rebel Without A Clue
Dear O’h dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
My plan this morning after speaking to you O’h dear was to go for a long run.
Which was making me feel grumpy
My throat was a bit sore and I felt slightly headachy. I decided to take your advice O’h dear and postpone it. I felt much happier after that. I pottered about and got lots of things done. Miraculously, my headache subsided and my throat didn’t feel as bad. I decided that I quite fancied a short run and off I went.
It was a GREAT run. One of the few that I actually really loved. This has happened to me a couple of times now. I’ve decided that it’s because I hate being told what to do. Even by MYSELF. I am like a stroppy teenager. When I had told myself I was going for a run, I didn’t want to go. When I decided not to go, I wanted to. When I decided just to do a short run, I ended up doing 10 miles.
I am actually rebelling against myself! It may be the least rock and roll rebellion that has existed in history.
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