
By PlanW

Stranger On The Shore

Among all the cards, flowers, chocolates I've received, a letter came from my wonderful friend in Edinburgh, Fiona.   It's funny how a letter can make you laugh, cry, then laugh again in the space of a few lines.   

We've been on many holidays to Turkey (or Torquay as we call it) and always charter a gulet.  Fiona is usually charged with finding us a boat and getting us a good price.  She never fails.  She's very beautiful, super glamourous, tall and elegant.  The opposite of me.

She remjnded me of an absolutely fantastic day we had, celebrating a big birthday, where we all had to do a turn from the ''swinging sixties".  I can't hold a note so I chose something that required no singing and went as Acker Bilk (there's a cultural reference for the kids).   It's kind of become the stuff of legends, to my complete surprise.  Just thinking about it now makes me laugh so much

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