Emma popped in for tea tonight. She normally eats like a ballerina but tonight she tucked in heartily. Either I got it right or this University lark is wearing her out to the point of needing sustenance. She didn't seem entirely thrilled with University, apartly learning is hard work and you have to do long hours.

My girls and I have booked a little weekend getaway. It's not till March, but it is nice to have something to look forward to. March was the first weekend the four of us could agree on and at that it had to be reduced to 2 nights.

The house looks fantastic, the owner is living in Hong Kong just now. I wondered if she would fancy a house swap but it seems not. So we shall have to make do and dream about our Victorian House on the Beach. Who in their right minds puts a bubble chair suspended from the ceiling of a Victorian House and then allows four middle-aged, should know better women to rent it? Ah well on her head be it - well actually more likely on ours. Sweet Dreams.

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