Loveliest of trees
I was surprised to see this cherry blossom tree in full flower outside Stroud Baptist church. The ones at school aren't nearly as advanced. Perhaps John Street is less exposed.
Insane tree-cutting continues in Sheffield, Northern England:
Winter continues. I made some progress on my page of scribbled notes from the WEA committee meeting. I recruited a new minutes secretary and found that one of the key people I need to speak to is on leave till 4th April. Grrr.
I found out that my proposed trip to Barry Island with Dave will not be happening, because a monk from the abbey where we both work (ed) has died and his funeral is that day. I tried to recruit some takers for a day trip to Compton Verney. Steve and I had booked ahead, but we've since found out that a memorial event for Una is going to be held on the same day. It's feeling a bit sombre round here.
Walked to town and did all the stuff I needed to. Booked in a nurse's appointment for Monday. My scratchy, 'hairy' throat has persisted for weeks. There's a new system called Improved Access at my doctor's, where they offer you an appointment at another surgery if there isn't one at theirs. However, the first two appointments they offered me were in different towns. Not so handy for a non-driver when there's one bus an hour, at best! However, it's a start.
It seems there are far more homeless people in town. I say this every time I go to Stroud during the day. I also saw an grey-bearded man in a long purple coat playing a penny whistle. He had some percussion instruments on the ground, and was encouraging passers by to join in. A family with children had stopped, and the girl was getting ready to play the triangle. The busker seemed a Pied Piper figure ( though not in a bad way), but although I gave him money I didn't want to interrupt the scene by taking photos.
Then I caught the 64 bus home, and slogged up the steep, steep hill to home. Market day tomorrow. I don't feel very enthusiastic.
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