We See You!

After dropping Scarlett at school, I did a couple of errands before driving to Dunham Massey, a National Trust property that has a deer park.  They have 150 fallow deer that roam freely, but today they were hard to find as they were all in the deer sanctuary where the public aren't allowed to access.  I finally spotted a herd though, but they were quite distant.

The house was closed but I could access the gardens and came across a TV crew filming CBeebies the children's programme.  I showed Scarlett the photos I took of CBeebies land and she thinks I've been a very long way today lol!

After picking Scarlett up from school, we went to pick Violet up from Nursery and I brought them home to give them their dinner.  Scott's home now and I'm about to go out - I'm popping round to see Alan's parents and then I'm going to see my friend Alison and we're having a curry night.

Apologies for the lack of comments once again, I promise to catch up soon!

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