This is a sample of each ...

...of the Brusho paint pigments.

Today at art I took a mini drill and tiny drill bits. This was to drill a hole in the top of each of the plastic containers of Brusho pigments.

But I cannot hold a drill with my hands safely any more. So someone else had a go with them for me. She made a tiny hole in each my Brusho pots so I can now shake the colour out. Now I am not using too much pigment.

So she is bringing her Brusho paint pots in next week and I will bring the mini drill and bits again for her.

Some of the pigments are just one colour in them, particularly the reds.

But the grey, black, and a few of the others have a mixture of different coloured crystal pigments in them. To me, these are the more interesting pigments when you spray a mist of water on them.

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