What's going on here
Only a week or so ago this was a wilderness area bordering on the sand dunes and beach adjacent to the Barns Ness Lighthouse. It was a favourite area for dog-lovers to walk their dogs and for some years myself, my wife and our neighbours used to walk our dogs here on a twice weekly basis very much enjoying the unspoilt landscape. The council in their wisdom have decided to graze sheep over the winter months to reduce the grass height and allow wild flowers to re-establish themselves. To do this they have totally enclosed about 20 acres of this beach scrubland in fences. They have included some access points but unfortunately the final access point which allows you to walk back along the beach they have made a stile, which is fine for humans to clamber over but very difficult to lift large dogs like greyhounds and retrievers over. So today my wife and her friend had to retrace their steps and walk right back to their original access point which is a kissing gate. Is this ecology concerns gone mad !!
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