I am grateful for ...

By shirleyray

Spray Painting

We had such a good time last night. We chose the back seats on the top deck of the bus. Quite chilly, but we were dressed for it. I have included a collage in the extra to show some of the highlights.

We were under the High Roller observation wheel while waiting for the bus. The first picture is the pods lit up just as it was getting dark. What would a tour be without going by the famous Welcome to Las Vegas sign, illuminated with green for St. Patrick's Day. We stopped at the Mirage to watch the volcano erupt.

Our only stop, where we got off the bus, was at the Freemont Experience, where we had an hour to see why it is called that. You can't imagine what some people are willing to do to get tips from the tourists....a great experience for people watching.

The pool at the Golden Nugget has a water slide that goes through the giant aquarium, seen in the middle picture. (that should bring back some memories, Laura) Once an hour the lights are dimmed on the street and the overhead canopy has a light show with music.

Most of our time was spent watching Matt create these incredible paintings with spray paints, trowels and torn pieces of paper. The bottom two pictures show him at work. Each picture was finished in about five minutes. I was really taken with the one depicting some of the well known properties in my main blip. 

We decided that the hour allotted was not long enough, so we opted to stay and take in more of the experience. I am grateful that we had decided to use Uber for transportation for the evening. It was just a few quick selections on the app, the driver was there in five minutes and we were back home in fifteen minutes.

Judy, Hannah and Ken came over for pizza and games. They will be going back home tomorrow. I have to admit that being a tourist is much more fun than being a tour guide. 

Another late night for me. I need to crawl into bed.

Until tomorrow......

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