Trondra to Foula

A beautiful sunny day, calm and warm in the sun.  Clear skies tonight, and cold.

It was a brilliant night last night for mam's birthday party.  Woke up feeling worse with this flu/cold thing, but filled up with tablets and headed off to work.  Not long after arriving, the lasses sent me home, as they weren't wanting to catch anything.  The rest of the day has been sitting at home, nursing the cold, and longing to be out enjoying the fine day.  Hopefully nipped it in the bud, as feeling better this evening. 

What a glorious day to be missing out on!  But saying that, I'd have missed it anyway as work.  Plenty of folk out and about walking etc.  I stopped off on my way home to snap a photo.  This is looking down on Trondra, Cheynies and out to Foula in the distance.  Taken from Sundibanks, Scalloway.

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