From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Run Over by a Street Sweeper!

Sorry! I wasn't really run over! The sweeper was just hurtling up the High Street at about 2 miles per hour and happily drifted into my lit leaves and lampposts. I was quite pleased really, as there are worse things you can see at 7am on a dreary Wednesday.

Wahhhh! Too much to do, too much to do, but I'm not going into headless chicken mode as usual. I'm sure my directorates, divisions, departments and team reports will all still be waiting for me if I don't get them all balancing by Friday. I'm doing Sys Admin all Friday anyway so it will just have to wait.

This time next week (if I'm not run over by a bus, street sweeper or maybe a milk float) I'll be up in the rafters at Usher Hall in Edinburgh seeing Alice Cooper! Hopefully he won't be run over by a bus either but you have to be careful crossing the Lothian Road.

This leads me nicely into this evening's track featuring Alice and Muppets.. Welcome to my Nightmare

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