Left home at 9 to collect Mum. We were on our way by 9:45 and arrived in Wilton, Wiltshire about 12. as the roads were quite clear and we had one stop en route.

#The hotel is quaint and the staff were so friendly. We enjoyed a cuppa in the lounge as our room wasn’t quite ready.
#Mum and I enjoyed a lovely river walk...it was great weather...sunshine and blue skies.
#The spring flowers were blooming.
# we walked to the old Wilton carpet factory which is now a courtyard of cafes and shops. Mum bought a bag and shoes.
Our room was lovely and I did a TV Four in a bed inspection. I did find one hair!!!!!!
I had a stroll around the village before we enjoyed a really delicious meal the restaurant and I beat Mum at scrabble (just thought if mention it!!)

Thankful for....safe travel, sunshine and time with Mum.

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