Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

I hate IKEA...

I was bullied into visiting IKEA the other day.  MrsDB wanted to look for something that was only available by driving along the Western Bypass - which actually goes around the south side of Newcastle.  It's one of those busy roads that's been upgraded many times since it was first built and no matter how many improvements and lanes they add it gridlocks shortly afterwards.  (I do wonder/worry about our road based infrastructure and the piecemeal vote catching management of it).

Anyway, we arrived with loads of time to allow a good perusal of this Aladdin's Cave and I followed in my carer's footsteps as all good cash cows  husbands do and her big yellow shopping bags filled up quickly with things she didn't even know she wanted.  So much for my lists and budgeting. 

Then I saw the Kallax book/storage shelves and espied a fitment for them that I hadn't seen before; a shelf divider.  Suddenly I realised that my models for Port Appin could be displayed much better with these essential (rather than desirable) additions.  I bought three.  I should've bought five but I was saving money and displaying restraint in the hope that it might rub off on my beloved.

It didn't.

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