Old China.

I have always loved China and I suppose I have just too much squirrelled away! Today I decided that I needed to clean out a cupboard or two, partly as we terrible problems with damp at one end of this ancient house ( circa 1400) and every now and then I have to wash all contents clean out and start again.
So here is a collection of old items which I really should just get rid of but perhaps I will sneak it into the attic without Mr Tbay noticing!

Farming - Two out delivering compost and one on tanking. Mr Tbay Jnr has a truly stinking cold so was somewhat inactive! We also had the John Deere 6145R remapped so that it has gone from 150 hp to 190hp. Joshy will be happy as it is his tractor an he was finding it was struggling a bit when faced with long uphill hauls. A new silage trailer for Bailey was ordered at LAMMA in January for the forthcoming silaging season starting in late April. The deal was done and we were expecting delivery in April. Today our local rep came to see us in a bit of a flap to say that Bailey Trailers had come back to him and have said they won’t get it delivered until August! Hmmmm! That’s not a lot of use. Discussion are ongoing......

I was up early to do two stables before breakfast. After that I got stuck into my cupboard clean out.

Tomorrow is Mr Tbay Birthday so lots of fun anticipated! He he.

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