Grandpa's little helper.
Spring must be here! LOL! Mr Tbay decided that he would try to get the lawns cut as the sun was shining and the ground felt ok. So off he went. He is never happier than when on his mower. Today he had a little helper for a while. Little Miss seemed to like the whole experience so I am sure it won't be long before she is doing this herself!
Farming - Busy day for Mr Tbay Jnr who was once again hauling bales all over the place for Country Haylage. Two on compost hauling.
I am on a mission to clear out drawers and cupboards. Today it was my wrapping paper drawers which were crammed full of bit of old wrapping paper that really had seen their best days as well as new rolls. Took two and half hours to sort everything out. Now I have tidy well organised drawers !
Mr Tbay was at the YFC office discussing exciting plans for a re design of the very cramped and dated offices. A major sponsor is in the air which should mean we will be able to do the job properly.
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