yet another day

By yetanotherday

Giraffe House at London Zoo

It was my daughter who took this photo on her A-level Biology trip to London Zoo. They went up by train and by all accounts had a good day. I love London Zoo, but now that the kids are older we haven't been for a while.

Giraffe House 1836 -7
By Decimus Burton, listed Grade II
This building is utterly functional and still serves its purpose - the housing of giraffes. The doors are 16' (5m) in height and 21' (6.5m) at the eaves. Giraffes can be as tall as four-and-half metres so the scale of the building's proportions is a direct response to the height of its residents. There are many fine examples of architecture in the Zoo, but few have remained for their original inhabitants.

I went back to work today, dosed up with the antibiotics, painkillers and ibuprofen from the dentist. I went back yesterday as I was still in a lot of pain a week after and extraction and apparently I have an infection in the bone :( Not great, but the meds should sort me out.

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