yet another day

By yetanotherday


Hopefully no-one saw me take this blip. I was sitting in the car waiting for my daughter to come out of school and noticed these little toadstools on the grass verge under the oak tree. I quickly wound down the window and took this, if anyone saw me they must have wondered what the hell I was taking a photo of!!!!!

Thank you for the kind wishes regarding my sore mouth, it's slowly feeling better. I'm back to the dentist tomorrow for a check up, so hopefully it's all healing up well.

Bit of a strange day... it's my birthday. Not that that's strange in itself, but it is my first birthday since my mum passed away and we used to always go out for coffee and cakes on my birthday. My husband, kids and friends have been brilliant though and I've had lots of lovely presents, cards and messages. I'm a very lucky lady the wrong side of 40 girl :)

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