The twins.

It’s Tuesday so I thought I would post our new muck spreaders for the TT challenge! We have had them for about two weeks but due to bad weather and idleness I had failed to post a picture of them. Once they had arrived and then returned for items to be rectified and then returned to us again again they have proved to be in good working order now. Joshy was well impressed when he used them !

Farming - Two on compost hauling and Mr Tbay Jnr out delivering for Country Haylage. Mr Tbay spent most of the day squashed under the sink in the workshop canteen trying to fix the leak which after three trips to B&Q, Bunnings and then B&Q again he finally managed to get it all working.

I managed to prune all my roses today. It was dry and sunny and the beds were not too claggy . That’s the trouble with our soil which is a heavy clay. Excellent for growing grass but hard work in the garden department! I now feel spring is but a heartbeat away!! Having said that I am reliably informed that the beast from the east may return this weekend. I am hoping not!

Thank you for all the kind comments from my 1000 blip yesterday. Now for the next 1000!!

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