Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont



JR continues the spring cleaning at pace. We have loads of towels, some old, some not so old, but we don’t need dozens, and they take up room, so they're for the chop. She checked out who would take them (not sure if charity shops are that keen) and discovered that Cat and Dog Homes can always use them. So we dropped a huge bag of 'em off this morning to a very appreciate lady in the nearby Cat'n'Dog office.

It's spring (possibly) and so the garden calls. Not me - I don’t hear it, but JR wanted some new plants/flowers for the wee front garden. And so we set off to Dobbies Garden Centre. I was lured by the promise of a scone and cuppa, and Archie is allowed in the shop, so he came too.

Another job that's been hanging over us JR for a while is cleaning the inside of the car - still masses of sand from our seaside holiday weeks ago. As I was taking Archie a wee amble round the car park at Dobbies, there just ahead was a vision - a car wash/valet place. About five chaps descended on each car and it was spick and span in minutes. I think people leave the car there, go shopping, and pick it up afterwards. So another job was ticked off.

On the way home I dropped Archie and JR off up the hill to walk home. She didn’t have her proper walking boots on, but they didn’t go in any muddy bits. When they came home, a quick foot & beard wash for Archie, coffee for JR and she was out planting her wee flowers.

This is another of Archie's birthday presents, this time from Elizabeth (one of the many she gave him). It's a monkey, and as all his toys are called 'Monkey' there should be no problem. His first toy was a monkey, and it was bigger than him (it is No More). So all his toys were called 'Monkey' to make it easier for him.

But he's learning 'Turkey Lurky' and 'Daisy'.


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