Light & sight

By CameronDP


No, not 'drink!!' in a Father Jack sense: just drink. I eat my lunch most days these days in a deli a few streets away from the office, and this particular dining establishment serves a particular line of retro soft drinks, made from real ingredients and not just sugar, more sugar and chemicals, as is the wont of most mega-multinational beverage manufacturers these days. Sometimes I have a bottle of ginger beer with my lunch, and - shocker! - you can actually taste the ginger. Here you see the same company's 'Victorian lemonade' and - bombshell! - it's got actual lemons in. You can taste the wee citric feckers as you're drinking....
As for drink!!!, I did buy a bottle of rather ill-advised rotgut whiskey at the weekend and paid the price with a dicky belly almost all Monday....but I still have plenty of left just sitting there on my kitchen counter, waiting to give this coming weekend a bit of a kick. Fun times!

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