More Ice Magic

Dear Diary,

This was such a charming little formation of ice. It grew on a leaf of the rhododendron bush outside my breakfast room window. It looked like a tiny sea horse to me. I must admit it totally captivated me. I might complain about the snow and ice of winter on occasion, well, frequently, but these little sights restore my belief in the magic of everyday moments.

This winter has brought many such moments really. They are often fleeting and easily missed but this one caught my eye. What also caught my eye was the pile of snow the plow redeposited in front of my mailbox yesterday so I thought I would just take care of it myself. Ugh! My back was not impressed with my decision although I did manage to shift it enough so I could get my mail.

I had hoped to drive to Boston today for a blipmeet but it is not to be. Besides my back, Emerson's Auntie Rebecca will not be available to kitty sit so I will stay put today with my ibuprofen and a heating pat and I will keep a look out for more magic outside my windows and make a note that they all need a good cleaning in the spring!

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