Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Desert Walk

We've had a lazy day and drove around the coastline of Corralejo (Fuerteventura) stopping off at the desert sand dunes for a short walk. The blip photo shows the view over the sand with the island of Lobos that we visited yesterday.

Wide Wednesday Challenge

A few of us had difficulty getting 'animals' theme in our photos but there were still some lovely ones to choose from. Again, I've given preference with wide and the theme.  All the below will receive hearts as soon as possible.......

1.  Jensphotos                 Dog on beach
2.  Miranda                        Cows
3.  Pipersmom                 Horse
4.  Chrisphoto                   Cormorant
5.  isbi                                 calf being fed
6.  KeenKen                       Sheep landscape
7.  Anaisabel                     Scorpion!
8.  Pleach                           Cows
9.  Cowgirlcarol                Beaming sheep!
10 Riwaka                         Horse

Thanks to all who tagged their entries. I hope you enjoyed the challenge and will have another go next Wednesday. Remember, these are my choices - your will be different!  Go wide on Wednseday and have fun!

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