
By TusCat

Festa della donna

Today it’s the 8th of March. It’s international women’s day. The symbol of this day in Italy is mimosa. Unfortunately, the low temperatures of last weeks have “burnt” all the flowers and trees around here are showing a shade of brown.

I have met a lot of great women today already: my friend Ilaria, who’s got a hard family life and nonetheless she’s finding the time to improve her working situation. My yoga teacher, who encourages us to go beyond what we reckon is our limit. And this morning I did the crow pose and kept it for ages and I also started working on sirsasana, the pose on the head. It was the first time I did the basic pose and kept it for ages as well. Lucia, who keeps my mum company when I’m not there and never loses her temper with her, something I do every day, unfortunately. Eleonora and Rosanna, who support me and listen to me. The list would be too long and it would make you fall asleep, I’m sure.

This photo is for them all.

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