A Nice Cup of Tea

I have earnt this cup of tea!
It's 9.15pm and I've just got in since leaving home at 12.15pm. I'm knackered!!!
The Little Misses are on half term so we had a lovely lazy morning. I didn't get out of bed until 9am which was wonderful!
Less wonderful was that I was woken up by the Little Misses coming into my room with handfuls of eggs, one of which Miss L dropped and smashed on the bedframe. Nice!
That'll teach me to snooze while they run amok round the house.
Also it was a little awkward when Miss E asked how the baby chickens got inside the egg and I heard myself waffling on about Daddy chickens and Mummy chickens and if there's a Daddy then there's a baby and if there isn't then there's a yolk and we can eat it.... Oh my God!!!!
This afternoon we had a school birthday party at a play centre which was fab and it was from there to Mrs C's for Miss E to catch up with Mr L. Since they've been at school they haven't seen each other which is such a shame. They were so sweet and had a lovely time.
We had dinner there and I eventually bought them back to bed before I rushed back out for pilates.
An hour of stomach crunching torture and then home for my nice cup of tea!

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