Hmmmmm, 4:30am and Wom is chatting away to a fast asleep Munchie! managed to get him back to sleep till about 5:00 then they were both awake. Luckily they were both happy to play and chill.
Crawled out of bed around 7:30am. Lee went to the pub for breakfast - we chilled here, I tried and failed to do school work whilst the tinkers played with Play dough from last week (it was still really good)

Daddy home and we headed to Croome. Roads were pretty OK apart from one bit that was single track due to massive snow drift.
Croome had some great snow drifts, (see extras)

Home around 2pm, Wom slept, munchie and I made lasagna for tea.
School work almost done (feels a long time since I was last doing work) children fed and watered.

Is it bedtime yet? (checking clock and seeing its only 17:37)

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