Fairy hair

Fairy hair . . .
The things I do when I know I’m on the edge of the dark abyss and am willing to try anything to keep my attitude up beat and cheerful.

When I had lunch with my best friend Birgit a few weeks ago, she had some strands of this sparkling hair that almost matched her hair colour. I loved it and asked her about it. She said it was “fairy” hair and you could wash, dry and even colour your hair as usual. It lasted about 6 weeks.

I’ve been thinking about it and got the contact information for the girl that does it from Birgit. I finally called Rebecca yesterday morning and she came to my house yesterday afternoon to do my hair for me!

You can choose from a whole rainbow of colours, but a chose the mermaid mixture with some orange thrown in for MS awareness. I can see me doing this on a fairly regular basis! Fun.

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