Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Gym open! Didn’t go. Didn’t go on bike either. But I did clear the path.

JR didn’t go to the gym, but had a workout clearing the pavement (and the neighbour's path) instead. The snow on pavements is now thick and icy. Though no snow today. And no wind. A bit of a thaw, thank goodness.

Of late, there has been an electrical HUM at night in the bedroom. But it's taken a new, sinister turn - it gets really really LOUD! Last night it started at 1am. I was outside in my nightie, I was unplugging every plug, trying to find where it was coming from, and it's definitely coming from the WALL. I even downloaded a decibel measuring app, which is so complicated I don’t know what all the screens mean.

However, this morning I went into the corridor of the upstairs flats, and yes, there is an (ancient) electricity box there, to do with the lighting in the stair. There was also a complaints phone number on it. Guess what I’ll be doing at 9am on Monday...

JR made some more bread, that large loaf seems to have disappeared... but it wasn’t for us.

Elizabeth came to take Archie out. We popped down to Christine's for bacon and baps (quite a trend now), then JR took the bus with her warm bread newly out of the oven, to visit a friend who hasn’t been feeling too well of late. I wasn’t sure about walking on the snowy pavements, so stayed at home.

Elizabeth stayed, unusually, for more than one glass of wine, and we reminisced about our many wonderful holidays in France. We'd been musing over the idea of late, and it got us browsing once she'd gone home. The upshot is, we've booked a holiday later in the year! Just like that. Isn't the internet wonderful!

This was an amazing 'igloo' that Archie and Elizabeth came across in the Meadows today. There is a doorway on the other side. But naughty dogs had been piddling all around it, so the pristine white snow cubes were somewhat soiled in places. Photo by Elizabeth

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