
I had been apprehensive about going up to open the coop this morning given the high winds all night, but thankfully they had died down. I wrapped up warm and attached my snow grips to my Muckboots, and with bottles of hot water set off the plot. It was beautifully crunchy walking up there and oh so quiet.
The wind had blown various things around on the coop plot and it took me quite a while to put it all back together again. Various layers were discarded as it didn't actually feel that cold! The hens happily pecked at the corn on the frozen ground and devoured all the titbits I'd brought them! I bagan to feel a little funny - probaly not wise to have done all this on an empty stomach! Nellie of the Woods was coming at 10 so I headed home.
I spent the next 2 hours with Nellie taking photos on my phone of various documents and emailing them to her. She is going to help out her old work as they have staff shortages, and she misses the people and the work so was happy to do so. Unfortunatly this required  a CRB check, hence the need to get documents emailed! Bit of a performance given she only left over a year ago, many people she had contact with  were willing to vouchsafe her - hopefully this will be acceptable because by the time the CRB check comes back they will no longer have the staff shortages! 
I spent the rest of the day quietly after having a relaxing hot bath. This solar plexus disturbance is really getting on my nerves and causing me anxiety as well as discomfort. It's been with me all week and I just want it to do one!  I'm not even so sure it is a hiatus hernia anymore, maybe my body just needs more time to balance itself. It's been 6 months now and I really just want to be back to normal, or as I said to Nellie, to the new normal. The last 6 months have changed me in many ways. Maybe I'm expecting too much too soon and whilst much has been resolved I am only now at the point of recovery after healing, or is it vice versa?!
Anyway - the last of my snowy blips I'm afraid - rain is due and the meagre amount of snow will soon be gone and the plants hopefully will recover. This is the icy water I tipped out of the water bowl I put out for the wild birds - can't believe I didn't think to try doing icy bubbles! Vegan Jo says we could get snow again next week so fingers crossed! 

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