
Thought it was time I gave an update on the feline relationships! Milkshake has settled into a routine of rooms to sleep in and times to sit on my lap. I think she misses my sister as she liked to sleep in her room at night, not that my sister liked it as she was very demanding and sat on her face! As FatCat still won't come out of the attic except to eat there is no chance as yet of Milkshake braving her to sleep with me! There was a bit of a mexican standoff one morning as Milkshake had gone to sleep on my sisters bed and was not quick at moving, so FatCat was on the landing having her breakfast. A little later I heard some hissing and growling - Milkshake was at one end of the landing, FatCat the other. Unfortunately they were at the wrong ends - Milkshake wanted to come downstairs, FatCat wanted to go upstairs to the attic! Neither was going to make way for the other nor were either of them brave enough to pass each other! The stand of was ended when FatCat went into the Green room! I'm hoping Youngest Daughter does not decide she wants Milkshake back when she comes back from Canada until she goes back to University in the Autumn - Milkshake will be fine I think but it will  mean the feline relationship will be back at square one! 
I love the way Milkshake lies with her paws infront of her on the top of my sofa - not quite sure how she manages to get all four paws in front of her. Also not sure it's for comfort or a warning not to try disturbing her! 
I had another day of inactivity - Nellie of the Woods called in for a coffee and chat. She has great plans for a Craft Day in Calstock and there is a planning meeting monday eve I may go to. I finally got moving to go put the girls to bed - seems so odd to see them out, but so good! 

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