
By Cailleach


I can guarantee, that at work, I'll get the customer who comes in to buy tissues, and ends up giving me every lurid detail of their messy divorce parties, I'll end up squashed into a corner by someone who wants to give me a blow by blow account of their squabble with the local Ferret Appreciation the supermarket, I'll get the slightly sinister cashier who wants to tell me about their mother's garden gnomes....and in pubs I'll end up sitting far too near someone who is having an argument with their partner, and isn't afraid to list, in excruciating detail, their failings in the bedroom department!

I liked this bar. As you can see, it was quite empty. What you can't see, is the couple who plonked themselves right beside us, and proceeded to discuss an aged relatives's gangrenous toe. In detail. With diagrams.

It's going to be an interesting holiday......

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