Life In Wales

By KarenC

More Snow!

It started snowing again last night, and this morning it was -7 degrees!  The side roads were covered with snow, and our local buses were terminating on the coast road which was clear.

I left for work early as I wanted to have a walk along Hove seafront to see the beach huts in the snow - a sight that we don't see often!  I also wanted to try out my new lens which arrived yesterday - I'm really pleased with it, I think it was a good buy.

We've currently got 30 miles per hour winds, and a lot more snow is due tomorrow morning.  I'm supposed to be working tomorrow afternoon/evening, but Shaughan said she'll keep in touch with me and see what the weather's like - if it's too bad she said not to bother, so I think they will consider closing the surgery.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we get some thick snow on the beach, as up to now it's been quite a light covering.

I'm very pleased for JazzyB who's had snow in Cornwall for the first time in ten years!

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