A place in time

By Verbosa

Just a sprinkle

The view at 08:11 this morning - just a sprinkle of snow with glorious sunshine and some hungry (and cold!) birds feasting on the bird table.  

The extra was my car at 11:31 as I set off for line dancing.  The temperature remained at -3 deg C all the way to Mytchett and the snow stayed on the car too...amazingly, I was the only car driving around still covered in a dusting of snow.  

Today was Eve's last Wednesday line dancing classes before she moves up north.  So I danced my usual beginner class, then stayed on for the improver class before we had tea/coffee and cakes/cookies to see Eve on her way.  I have to confess it was MUCH more fun than going to the gym and I had clocked up over 10,000 steps by the time I headed home!  While chatting to two of the other girlies, I also got to find out about another line dancing class nearer to home...so I plan to try that as well as continuing at Mytchett with Lisa at the helm (Lisa is taking over from Eve).  Whoop whoop!

Thought for the day:

"Dancing is like dreaming with your feet!"  (Constanze Mozart)

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