Morning view.

We awoke to snow! Not huge amounts but enough to cover the surrounding fields in a white shroud.

After a hearty breakfast to send us on our way we left the W’s via the fields to get to the road rather than their drive as the icy conditions were really not good. We headed off across country which Mr Tbay very much enjoyed and safely got to main road in Brayford where the snow basically fizzled out.

The M5 was clear and when we arrived home there was just a smattering of snow. However the weather forcast has now issued a yellow warning for our area which is very unusual. It looks as if there may be some pretty nasty weather ahead for us.

This evening I am off to my last training session with my readers and also to just catch up on the Junior public speakers too. The Mr Tbays are playing skittles.

Mrs V and Mrs Tbay Jnr and children are heading off to Malta this evening for 4 days. Here’s hoping that they can get home OK on Sunday!

Keep warm and safe!

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