Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Parents Night

Pretty awesome parents night for this one, chattyness aside. It will make subject choices all the more harder. We met a few cracking teachers who made me laugh out loud; my favourite was the English teacher who called Dave a filmstar i'd never heard of and then reminded us our TV's are spying on us.

White knuckle drive home in heavy snow but it eased off to get us back for a very late tea and then Tess and I indulged in....THOR Ragnarok....with chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. That's happiness right there.

I am hoping for a school snow day/stay at home on computer to catch up on work day tomorrow if I'm honest - and so I don't have to commute - but the Beast from the East is more Banner than Hulk at the moment.

We've topped up the bird feeders and hope those souls without a roof of their own over their heads tonight have found safe shelter somewhere.

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