A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

I Shall Wait No More

A sombre greyscale image was the most appropriate way to show this momentous occasion.

I finally had my last day at Fawlty Towers. Woop! I had to return my waistcoat & access all area cards. As a souvenir, of sorts, I decided I was well within my rights to keep my name badge, after all, they're never gonna get someone to replace me! So long Basil & Manuel!

A mixed day with some extremely quite moments scattered with a few ridiculously frantic & busy episodes. It was kinda sad as I've met & got to know some great people in quite a short period of time, but after some hugs, handshakes, a final last supper (when am I gonna pass on food!?) & much weeping (I imagine from everyone after I left), I was actually pleased to have called it a day there. I think I've lernt quite a bit there & it was a very real, varied experience, but I hope I've hung up my waistcoat & bow tie for the last time.

Oh & just one more thing. Jen & I did pop into town this eve for a few farewell drinkies, be rude not too, with some of the particularly brilliant people from work. We had some laughs & was great to spend some time with them outside work.

Day off tomorrow, then onto something completely different.

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