Spider and Lily

We had a lovely relaxed morning, not leaving bed until 1pm! Haven't done that since pre-children. The kids were staying at Grandma and Daddad's and we had instructions to come for dinner, so the day was wide open for us.

We went out for lunch, and had a bit of a mooch about, then went over to Grandma and Daddad's. Our friend Mal joined all of us for tea, so it was ever so jolly and civilised. Hopefully the girls can have opportunity to spend a bit more time with Grandma and Daddad with them being based in Auckland.

I really appreciate how important grandparents are in a kid's life. I was extremely lucky to have a lot of involvement from all four of my grandparents, and would love for my kids to have the same experience. I had 3 homes, not just 1. My grandparents were available and interested, no matter what. I knew that I could pick up the phone, and organise sleepovers and transport without really having to involve my parents in the equation...looking back, it must have driven my parents batty to have the grandparents turn up and me to just depart with a wave, not coming back for a day or 2. At one set of grandparents I didn't even have to take anything. I had clothes and everything there all the time.

Anyway...enough reminiscing...do you see the spider in my shot?

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