
By Legacy

Homeward Bound

Finally, Seattle, and the last leg of my trip home to Bellingham. The flight from Indianapolis to Minneapolis was uneventful, except for the fact that there was a most unusual child on the plane.

First, let me say that crying children on planes, while annoying, don't really bother me all that much. I'm usually pretty sympathic to parents traveling with small chldren and since it's the only way to get them from, say, Grandma's house to home, there isn't much of an alternative. Once upon a time, I had small children, so I understand.

This child was something quite different. Frankly, I'm not even sure it was a child because "it" was behind me several rows and I never got a good look. I'm pretty convinced that whatever it was, it wasn't human or at the very least it was possessed. I have never heard such unholy sounds in my life. Half the people on the plane were searching for crucifixes and the other half were searching for a priest. . The child didn't cry, it growled and gurgled and wailed and sounded as though it was autitioning for a role in a remake of "The Omen". I am not kidding. When I arrived in Seattle, I discovered that an aquaintance had been on the same flights I had, and she made the same observations. The simple, straightforward crying kid on the Minnapolis to Seattle flight was almost delightfully entertaining.

The last leg of my flight was a short 40 minute hop up the coast of Washington and it was absolutely breathtaking. If you think I'm a sucker for blue sky,clouds and sunsets when I'm on the ground, you should see me when I'm looking down on them. Absolutely picture postcard perfect and a really, really nice way to end a day of travel.

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