A Snapshot a Day

By AgathasMum

The Wrong Tre Scalini

Tonight we met up again for dinner with friends we made on the cruise.

We suggested eating at Tre Scalini in Piazza Narvona as we ate there last year, had good fish and really enjoyed it. Everyone thought it was a great idea so we headed there and plonked ourselves down at a really nice table. We also had a coupon for 10%off.

Some of the group had a set 4 course menu. We didn't. Tom had Minestrone and Sea Bream with Porcini Mushrooms. I ordered sea bass, which they were out of, so I got substitute fish with roasted potatoes. It was cooked whole and the waiter filleted and served it for me. I have to say it was really good. Tom said his fish was a bit bony and too mushroomy! We ordered what we thought was half a litre of house white between the two of us, but got a half bottle of house white, so it was rationed throughout the meal.

Then we ordered the dish Tre Scalini is famous for, the dish they invented in the 1800s, the Tartufo...... which for some reason didn't look and taste quite how we remembered :(

Then came the bill, and we presented our 10% off coupon.... "Oh no Madame, this is not the Tre Scalini on the coupon, that is the fake one next door. This is the real Tre Scalini. Do you know what Tre Scalini means? Three steps. Look Madame we have three steps. They don't. They are fake Madame..."

Hmm. Well..... they may be fake next door, and you may have invented the Tartufo, and I hate to say it but the fake Tartufo is better!

Still we had a great evening in a Tre Scalini in Piazza Narvona.

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