
By Mindseye

Peering up the Pier

Well what a lovely day today turned out to be!
Forecast was dry but cloudy....we decided we would go out somewhere, which we did.

We are still sleeping for England when we have a good night, 8 hours plus again last night! Once we were up, and after some fresh fruit for breakfast, we headed towards Southport......calling into one of our fav garden centres, maybe because they have such a fab little cafe/bistro ;-)

We decided to have a decent lunch, hub had fish and chips, I had goats cheese, bacon & cranberry salad. It was huge, wouldnt normally struggle to finish a salad, but I did today!

Afterwards we had a lovely wonder around outisde in the sunshine, which was really quite warm. Hub was going to get his seed potatoes but they only had small bags, so thats a job for another day. We bought some new primulas to brighten up our window boxes.

As it was so nice and still early afternoon, we decided to head into Southport for a couple of hours.

We wandered around, me looking for a wide shot incorporating the theme "lines" for Bobsblips wide angle challenge........I had several, but we both felt this fit the bill best.

Just catching up on the days olympics now, a light supper later I think.......not sure what yet!

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