Day Of Days

Up early, (yet again), for a mediocre breakfast which took longer to eat than normal due to a cutlery shortage, but we were the best dressed diners!
Then it was out to AFC Harrogate, bitterly cold, hail, sleet and the wind chill made it -1*, up into the viewing stands where Joshua had told us we would get the best view.
The emotion builds as the band starts up and then the platoons of young people approach the parade square.
Smart in their number two uniforms, bursting with pride in front of their loved ones they arrive on the parade square.
You know what your child’s uniform looks like as study the ranks of indistinct faces looking for him, you find him and and stare hard willing him to see you.
They are inspected by General Officers and then turn right for the March Past in review order, as they come towards you they turn into column and you find your son is actually in a completely different rank of the platoon.
March past in column and now we know where he is there is lots of shouting and cheering and he grins as he hears it.
Parade over we realise how cold we are, I did Arctic training in Norway and I never felt as cold as I did this afternoon.
To see him up close, full of pride and achievement, standing tall, (very tall) and part of the British Army I could not find words to adequately tell my youngest son how proud I am of him.
With so much luggage Mark decided to accompany us home carrying half the bags.
We arrived home a little after midnight, still proud, still happy, content and pleased that both Samantha and Joshua are home, for this weekend at least.

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