It happens seemingly overnight: one day there's scrubby grass and a few weeds, next day a carpet of violets. The tête à tête narcissi are in full bloom, the almond and quince flowers are straining at the leash, and yet still my one (spared by squirrel) snowdrop is refusing to break bud.
An early start to get a bit of work done (grumpily given the late night) then off to the market to forage for bread and cheese (and, turns out wine, when I stopped to say hello to the lovely wine folk and ended up in a long conversation with several tastings and some purchasing!)
The rain wore itself out in time for lunch to start outdoors, then be moved in when the weather got its second wind, so to speak. Later, gorgeous sunshine coincided nicely with a delivery disaster driving me outside to assuage my rage with some weed pulling.
Later still, dinner was a badly executed indoor BBQ, though enlivened by a CarbBoy-started discussion on early computers, romantic poets and feminists.
Then, the Galactica lot finally got somewhere, and now we're onto Arrested Development.
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