Plus ça change...

By SooB

Jobs list

Each of these bits of wood / wood-ish stuff is a vital part of a list of jobs for next week (sink stand, desk, shelving thing, trellis). The furry caterpillar, not so much. I'm also hoping that rubbishy looking bit of wood in the middle isn't important.

Today, however, was mainly leisure time. Which means lying on the sofa moaning softly for CarbBoy*, hiding in her room for TallGirl**, piano and reading history books for Mr B, and weeding for me (to the tune of Edward III on my podcast).

Then a big roast pork dinner, a failure by TallGirl to goad us back into the surprisingly animated discussion from last night about Dundee, and too many episodes of The 100 when it turned out that everyone was enjoying the heckling too much to turn the nonsense off.

* He has a reprise of his previously normal end-of-term feverish malaise.

** Drawing snakes. In jumpers. As you do.

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