Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A little bit of Venice in the spring ...

... right in the heart of Woking. A new bar that’s been opened by Adam, the local artisan bread supplier. Strategically placed next door to our long standing Italian family restaurant and quite literally within spitting distance (wind direction permitting) of the iconic Carluccio’s. Woking has a large (ish) Italian community and they like nothing better than to hang around in these local watering holes, usually sitting outside with a cigarette and a glass of vino.

Sadly we couldn’t sample the chichetti as none of it was vegan. But the wine (Sicilian) was excellent and the olives divine. TSM got squiffy quite quickly ...

This was reward for a hard days work of kitchen cleaning and DIY (the skirting boards are finally fixed in position). Woke up at six a.m. full of beans and got straight into it. When TSM woke up around eight we rang Australia and sang happy birthday down the phone to her sister. K.

I also found time to play with my router which was absolutely awesome. Man, that thing can cut a mean groove and do a wicked bevelled edge.

We finished off last night’s curry for lunch, sitting with the conservatory doors wide open in what can only be described as a glorious spring afternoon. I know. We’ve only just had Valentine’s Day but that’s what it felt like. It was the same this day last year.

Exhausted now. Curry and Sicilian wine are to blame ...

PS - for info Woking does have a canal...

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