Mesmerising Murmuration
There was an image of a starling murmuration in Ware on the front of the local paper this week. I thought no more about it.
I visited Amwell Nature Reserve late this afternoon and got quite excited as I discovered a pair of great crested grebes fishing together. I stood and watched them for quite a while as I thought they might be going to do the penguin dance. In the end they put so many fish away I knew they would not be up to lovemaking.
I came home via Ware and as I was turning into a little Sainsbury's near the town centre to get MrQ some beer I spotted the murmuration. What a thrill! I grabbed the camera and started taking pics. A man suggested that I should go through a tunnel to an area by the river for a better view. He had photographed the spectacle and given the image to his wife as a Valentine's gift. What a lovely idea. A young woman stood with me asking questions about the birds and said she could stand and watch them all day. I agreed. .
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