Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Tilly- Flour baby

Eco daughter was playing futsal today, they played really well and were unlucky in a couple of matches, we are not ment to care about the results but the girls know the scores and lets say they avoided defeat a couple of times. These games are all about development, which is good. They have come on the last couple of weeks.

Lazy afternoon, went a walk with Eco mum to get a bag of cheap flour. This was needed for Eco daughter's homework, to make a flour baby. She is learning about reproduction(ok sex education in my day), and has to make a flour baby and look after it. She has to look after it for a week. She is working out babysitters for all her activities, so we are virtual grandparents just now. We are looking after Tilly while Eco daughter has a bath.

This is how she is going to school tomorrow, this will give the daily mail readers a real shock...

I told her to take it into school and just leave it, when she got a row from teacher for not looking after it, to say 'But it is self raising!!!!!!'

Tilly is just a bag of cheap flour wrapped in a sock and dressed in doll's clothes.

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