Cheeky Starling

I've recently bought a couple of new feeders for our feathered friends - mainly to try and attract more Tits and Robins to the garden, but unfortunately the starlings are a bit of a pest and like to take first dibs.  As much as I love their murmurations, they're a nuisance in the garden, but as you can see by this photo, they are a beautiful mix of colours.

I also bought a nesting box for blue tits which Alan hung on the fence yesterday, and this morning there was a blue tit investigating it, so fingers crossed it likes it and makes a nest - it's very exciting! 

Our lovely lodger Anna, who stayed with us the other week, contacted me over the weekend to say that she'd got another interview in Brighton this afternoon and asked if I was free to meet for a coffee after she'd finished.  She was getting the night bus back to Falmouth at 8.30pm, so instead of meeting for coffee, I invited her to ours for something to eat and said I'd then take her back into town in time to get her bus.

It was lovely to see her and we're keeping our fingers crossed for her, but it sounds like it went well.

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