Wedding Bells

Yes, it has really happened.  I promised a photo and here is a joyful one.  We have just popped the champagne and the party is about to begin!  Oh Joy oh Rapture, how spectacular does my beautiful friend look on her wedding day.  Thank you so much to all of you who have sent heart felt good wishes over the past few days.   We have been journeying together for 15 years and now we can look forward to many more as a married couple.  We were surrounded by 12 friends who are virtually family and my wonderful Big Brother - Al (Allan46).  CCN and I were so delighted that he would travel from the other side of the continent to be with us.  We have felt so loved and supported by our families.  We are blessed.

Of course this is a Back Blip as it would have been very rude to leave the wedding to post a blip :))  This image sums up the day for me, we couldn't be happier.  I really cherish my blip buddies and I wish you all the happiness that I feel tonight as I write my journal.  

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