
By CharChar

Last day :-(

Today we had a very lazy day enjoying the last chance of sunshine and the swim up bar it seemed really hot today I was having to jump in the pool every half an hour! We are both very red now!

Tonight we had tickets for Simons Cabaret which is a famous ladyboy show! It was really good and even better Paul got a kiss off one of the lady boys much to my amusement not his! At the end you got to have photos with the cast!

After the show we wanted to have a few last night drinks, walking to the bars I decided to try some fried ice cream it was an artwork to make it and it tasted really good! We went back to the bar where we have been playing games and when we told them we were going home they came and hugged us and said come back next year, fine with me! We then went to Bangla road the busy street with lots of bars, we sat in one bar and the waitress bought the jackpot game over we played her and I won so she comes back with a shot of tequila for winning now to me that’s more like a punishment, I drank it to be polite will regret it in the morning with a day of travelling ahead!!

I’ve had a fab time in Thailand thanks for my fab Xmas present Paul same again next year ;-)

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